Step 1: Stop MySQL daemon if it is currently running
Common locations are /var/lib/mysql/, /var/run/mysqld/ and /usr/local/mysql/data/.
Generally, the file name has an extension of .pid and begins with either mysqld or your system's host name.
Check running process
# ps -ef | grep mysql
Kills the daemon, if it is running.
# pkill mysqld
# kill -9 /path/to/pid
Step 2: Run MySQL safe daemon with skipping grant tables
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
Step 3: Login to MySQL as root with no password
# mysql -u root mysql
Step 4: Run UPDATE query to reset the root password
mysql> UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("NewPassword") WHERE user="root";
Step 5: Stop MySQL safe daemon
Note: This time only run kill (pkill) “mysqld_safe” instead of “mysqld”
# pkill mysqld_safe
Step 6: Start MySQL daemon
# service mysqld start
Step 7: Root password is reset and ready to use
# mysql -u root -p mysql